Angel Wing Heart

Gender Equality.

**This is my own personal opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone.**

Firstly, people often misunderstood the meaning of sex and gender. There are major differences between these two concepts. Sex is based on the characteristics of males and females while gender is a social construct or a society’s assumption about the way a man or woman should look or behave. Now that is clear, you must be wondering what is gender equality? Well, gender equality is the measureable equal representation of women and men. Gender equality does not imply that women and men are the same but that they have equal value and should be given equal treatment. 

Besides that, the United Nations (UN) also pointed out that empowering woman is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty. Gender equality will not only empower woman to overcome poverty and live full and productive lives but it will improve the lives of children, families and countries as well. We should enhance women’s equal rights in a few distinct areas mainly the household, workplace and the political environment.

Here are a few popular cases of gender inequality. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive, ride bicycles and men are not allowed to drive women they are not closely related to. Furthermore, in many areas of Afghanistan, girls are often taken out of school as soon as they hit puberty. Why? Because of the lack of female teachers who are fundamental in a country where girls cannot be taught by male teachers after hitting puberty.

Traditional gender roles always privilege men at the expense of women. Society deprives women of right, power and resources. Despite the issues of gender inequality to women, men and transgender individuals also are victims that suffer the negative consequences. For example, a girl may be forced to stop schooling because the family does not believe that women needs education. A man may engage in unsafe sex because he believes that real men do not use condoms and a transgender woman may not seek needed health care out of fear of discrimination and stigma. No society has assigned equal power to both men and women.

In Malaysia, we are fortunate that both genders are treated rather equally in many instances. Everyone has the right to education and to work in any field of their choice.  There is no law forbidding men or women from continuing their education and progressing in their career. In isolated cases, as a student, I think we are capable of making a change in this matter. We should stop comparing and contrasting the different gender stereotypes that have kept men and women from feeling equal. We should not pressure men to be aggressive and women to be submissive. I should also highlight that there are a few countries that have supported gender equality. For example, in Africa women have gained more position in parliaments and India has accepted legal obligations to eliminate discrimination against women and outlawed sexual harassment in workplace.

In a nutshell, accepting and believing in gender equality is beneficial for all sex. Therefore, I would like to see changes being made in the coming years. Last but not least, here is a quote from a very well-known actress named Emma Watson in her speech for the HeForShe Campaign, “I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop and it is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”